Carrie O
Carrie O
Carrie O
Carrie O
Carrie O
Carrie O
Carrie O
Carrie O
Don Mills Godfrey
Goldie was killed in a car wreck in California.
Goldie and Lester Rogers moved from OK to California in 1940.
All of Goldie and Lester Rogers children had children.SOUR @S48@
DEAT NOTE Goldie died from a automobile accident and she also had bone marrow
DEAT NOTE Goldie died from a automobile accident and she also had bone marrow
CONT cancer. Per Ethna Conner 6/28/1994BURI PLAC Desert Lawn Memorial, Palmdale, CA
BURI NOTE Desert Lawn Memorial Park in Palmdale, California Services were at
2BURI NOTE Desert Lawn Memorial Park in Palmdale, California Services were at
2 CONT pm at the Chapel of the Valley Morturary in Palmdale, Ca. OfficiationBURI NOTE Desert Lawn Memorial Park in Palmdale, California Services were at
2 CONT was Rev Donald Furrow of the First Baptist Church of Palmdale, Ca.
2587. Ola Ethel (Tommy) HENDERSON
Line 646 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
DEAT PLAC Claremore Health Center, Claremore, Rogers, OKLine 647 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
DEAT NOTE Ola left a will which should be filled in Claremore, Rogers, OK.Line 648 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
DEAT SOUR @S50@Line 652 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
BURI NOTE Ola was 66 years young when she died. Services were held at the
FoyilLine 653 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
BURI NOTE Ola was 66 years young when she died. Services were held at the
Foyil CONT Methodist Church in Foyil, Oklahoma. Rev Culver of Tulsa conducted
theLine 654 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
BURI NOTE Ola was 66 years young when she died. Services were held at the
Foyil CONT services.Line 655 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
BURI NOTE Ola was 66 years young when she died. Services were held at the
Foyil CONTLine 656 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
BURI NOTE Ola was 66 years young when she died. Services were held at the
Foyil CONT Ola is buried in Wards Grove Cemetery next to Clarence and AustinLine 657 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
BURI NOTE Ola was 66 years young when she died. Services were held at the
Foyil CONT Maytum.Line 658 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
Line 711 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
BURI NOTE Clarence is buried on the North side of Wards Grove Cemetery next
toLine 712 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
BURI NOTE Clarence is buried on the North side of Wards Grove Cemetery next
to CONT Ola and Austin.Line 713 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
BURI SOUR @S81@Line 1249 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
NOTE After Ola Divorced Lester Sharp she moved in with her sister EthnaLine 1250 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
NOTE After Ola Divorced Lester Sharp she moved in with her sister Ethna CONT
Olinger and her husband Lester. Leslie, Ethnas' brother also livedLine 1251 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
NOTE After Ola Divorced Lester Sharp she moved in with her sister Ethna CONT
with them along with Ethna and Lesters' four children.Line 1252 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
SOUR @S50@
Line 1054 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
BURI NOTE Austins grave is next to Clarence and Ola on the north side of
WardsLine 1055 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
BURI NOTE Austins grave is next to Clarence and Ola on the north side of
Wards CONT Grove cemetery.Line 1056 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
Line 730 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
BIRT SOUR @S50@Line 733 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
DEAT NOTE Lester was killed while working on the railroad. The work crew wasLine 734 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
DEAT NOTE Lester was killed while working on the railroad. The work crew was
CONT riding a hand car that was hit by a train. He was killed nearLine 735 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
DEAT NOTE Lester was killed while working on the railroad. The work crew was
CONT Glennwood Springs, Colorado.Line 1266 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
NOTE Ethna and Lester were both from Pryor, Mayes, Ok at the time of theirLine 1267 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
NOTE Ethna and Lester were both from Pryor, Mayes, Ok at the time of their
CONT wedding. Lester was 25 years old and Ethna was 18 years old. They wereLine 1268 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
NOTE Ethna and Lester were both from Pryor, Mayes, Ok at the time of their
CONT married by M. T. Alberty Justice of Peace of Pryor. They were marriedLine 1269 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
NOTE Ethna and Lester were both from Pryor, Mayes, Ok at the time of their
CONT in the presence of Cortney Covers and J. M. Downing both of Pryor.Line 1270 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
SOUR @S114@
2589. Marion Leslie (Leslie) HENDERSON
The Henderson's moved from Arkansas to Atoka, OK and then to Pryor
about 1929. Leslie retired from Rogers County Road Maintance crew.
He had been a farmer, hauled rural milk, and worked for Nelson
Electric foundery in Tulsa.Line 91 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
SOUR @S100@Line 95 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
BIRT NOTE Leslie's birth certificate says that he was born in the township ofLine 96 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
BIRT NOTE Leslie's birth certificate says that he was born in the township of
CONT Jackson in Boone county and in the town of Francis. He was born atLine 97 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
BIRT NOTE Leslie's birth certificate says that he was born in the township of
CONT 8:30 pm.Line 98 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
BIRT SOUR @S21@Line 102 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
DEAT NOTE Died of cancer in St Francis hospital in Tulsa, Tulsa, Ok. The
familyLine 103 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
DEAT NOTE Died of cancer in St Francis hospital in Tulsa, Tulsa, Ok. The
family CONT lived at 800 1/2 Olive St. Chelsea, Rogers, OK at the time of hisLine 104 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
DEAT NOTE Died of cancer in St Francis hospital in Tulsa, Tulsa, Ok. The
family CONT death.Line 108 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
BURI NOTE Wards Grove is northwest of Foyil. The grave is near the entrance
onLine 109 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
BURI NOTE Wards Grove is northwest of Foyil. The grave is near the entrance
on CONT the south side of Wards GroveLine 111 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
EVEN TYPE MilitaryLine 112 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
EVEN DATE 3 Mar 1944Line 113 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
EVEN PLAC U S Navy ReservesLine 114 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
EVEN NOTE Leslie served at NTS (Naval Training Station), Great Lakes, IL;Line 115 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
EVEN NOTE Leslie served at NTS (Naval Training Station), Great Lakes, IL;
CONT Const. Batt. (Construction Battery), Williamsburg VA; USN (U S Navy)Line 116 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
EVEN NOTE Leslie served at NTS (Naval Training Station), Great Lakes, IL;
CONT Base Navy 3505. USN Base 3505 was an island in the South Pacific. TheLine 117 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
EVEN NOTE Leslie served at NTS (Naval Training Station), Great Lakes, IL;
CONT island name was pronounced Windy. He was separated from the navyLine 118 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
EVEN NOTE Leslie served at NTS (Naval Training Station), Great Lakes, IL;
CONT after one year 9 months and 28 days with an Honorable Discharge. HeLine 119 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
EVEN NOTE Leslie served at NTS (Naval Training Station), Great Lakes, IL;
CONT was induced on March 3, 1944 and was discharge on December 30, 1945.Line 120 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
EVEN NOTE Leslie served at NTS (Naval Training Station), Great Lakes, IL;
CONT Leslie was issued the U S Naval Reserve Honorable Discharge Button andLine 121 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
EVEN NOTE Leslie served at NTS (Naval Training Station), Great Lakes, IL;
CONT Honorable Service Lapel Button. He was discharge with the rank ofLine 122 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
EVEN NOTE Leslie served at NTS (Naval Training Station), Great Lakes, IL;
CONT Seaman First Class (S1c). He was given $100.00 M.O.P. (Mustering OutLine 123 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
EVEN NOTE Leslie served at NTS (Naval Training Station), Great Lakes, IL;
CONT Pay). His total discharge pay was $203.25 of which $9.00 was mileageLine 124 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
EVEN NOTE Leslie served at NTS (Naval Training Station), Great Lakes, IL;
CONT allowance from Norman Ok to Strang, OK.Line 125 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
EVEN SOUR @S24@Wayne Henderson
Sharon Baker