Robert J Quinn
Rt 2 Box 44
Alta Vista, KS 66834
Robert J Quinn
Rt 2 Box 44
Alta Vista, KS 66834
see notes first wife
*AKA "Bettie".
Line 86 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
OCCU Farmer*First name Joseph? "Joe" on Dock's obit. *Bowman-Rector Funeral Home.
*Not in brother Herman's obit. as surviving him.
*Alive 1960 brother Herman's obit. & "of Spartanburg".
Line 366 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
BIRT DATE 13 DEC L867*Blackfoot? *Obit of daughter gives her name as "Sinnie", other spellings.
*Born Broadriver area of Madison Co.-NC.
Line 376 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
BIRT DATE CIR 1860Line 378 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
DEAT DATE CIR 1888*Born Broadriver SC?, Marshall, NC?. *Birth year estimation based on marriage
certificate. *Historians "agree" Reeds not decended from 1 man but Scot tribe
or clan of few hundred. *British history "reaches back" to a small stream
called Rede River. *1437 Robert Chief of Clan captured King James I assassian
& "erected" into Baroney, arms, he & son Robert equaling Robertson Clan,
prior tribe name Donnochaidch.
Line 430 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
OCCU "machanist"Line 433 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
BIRT PLAC Madison Co.-NC - MarshallLine 436 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
DEAT PLAC Madison Co.-NC - Walnut*Death certificate information, "age 28yr, 2mo, 9da", education "common
school", died 3AM of "tyfoid feever", Dr. A.J. McDevitt physician.
tim Pruitt
816 Water Elm Ct
Chesapeake, VA 23320CHIL _MREL Natural
Sophronia Elizabeth Frona BELL
tim Pruitt
816 Water Elm Ct
Chesapeake, VA 23320
Haywood Co families p 41
Swain co births
Gail Crittenden
29825 Tenth Ave SW
Federal Way, WA 98023
James Allen and Sarah were living in Haywood in 1910 census with James H, Henry
& Paul Montgomery.
TE Pruitt
816 Water Elm Ct
Chesapeake, VA 23320
Gail Crittenden
29825 Tenth Ave SW
Federal Way, WA 98023
=======James Allen and Sarah were living in Haywood in 1910 census with James H, Henry
& Paul Montgomery.
2506. Savilla Jane Janie HENDERSON
Logan Henderson
Madison Vital Records
Logan Henderson
2509. William Arthur HENDERSON
2510. Maggie Christina HENDERSON
2511. Leslie Sunshine HENDERSON Mayoma
Gail Crittenden
29825 Tenth Ave SW
Federal Way, WA 98023
=======James Allen and Sarah were living in Haywood in 1910 census with James H, Henry
& Paul Montgomery.
Gail Crittenden
29825 Tenth Ave SW
Federal Way, WA 98023
=======James Allen and Sarah were living in Haywood in 1910 census with James H, Henry
& Paul Montgomery.
Garnette Sprinkle
1860 Madison
1166. Jacob Alexander HENDERSON
Haywood Co Death records
redmon bk p 225
1168. William Anson HENDERSON Jr
Buncombe vital records